Quetzal Mama College Boot Camps

Quetzalmama students on a bench.

Bootcamps for High School Students
(Freshman through Seniors)
3-Day, 5-Day, or Weekend Camps

Description – A comprehensive and intensive boot camp designed and tailored exclusively for high school juniors or seniors. Our camps can accommodate large groups of 100 students, or small groups of 30 students. The Boot Camp curriculum is unique for several reasons:

Why A College Boot Camp

The goal of the camps is to provide expert level coaching, guidance, and assistance for students who have demonstrated college-readiness and aspire to obtain a 4-year college degree, but do not have the financial means to obtain one-on-one and group coaching by a professional college admissions consultant.

Students receive timely and relevant content proven to be effective with students in this demographic. Content is designed to help students critically examine college campus options, apply practical methods and strategies to narrow selections (shortlist of 12), trouble-shoot obstacles or barriers to college application completion, successfully complete all components of the college application process, and ultimately – increase the number of students applying to 4-year colleges.

If you’d like to bring a Quetzal Mama College Boot Camp to your High School Click here to contact us.

Quetzalmama student on a bench.

Quetzal Mama College Essay Boot Camp

The Personal Statement is one of the most challenging aspects in the college application process.

Do you want to nail your college essays?
Then you need a national college admissions expert to guide you in this process.

Quetzal Mama has literally written the book on how to nail essays.
Each year, students who use her writing techniques
are earning admission to the top universities in the nation.

Don’t wait until Fall of your senior year to try to “wing it.”
Get expert essay assistance early, so you can spend quality time on your applications.

Quetzal Mama gets it – she’s worked with thousands of high school students
and knows insider strategies to help students articulate their powerful stories.

And, she’s created clever and humorous teaching strategies
so students are motivated, engaged, and successful!
Sessions are always interactive and culturally relevant.

The Boot Camps are small group settings where students receive
group and one-on-one coaching by Quetzal Mama.

Inquire today about a Boot Camp in your city!

Quetzalmama bootcamp banner for 5th and 6th graders.

Quetzal Mama
College Boot Camp for 5th & 6th Graders

College Prep for 5th & 6th Graders? ¡Claro que si!

Quetzal Mama knows kids don’t become college-bound in their senior year of high school. She knows the most prepared kids are the ones who received guidance very early on. For this reason, she’s created a unique one-week college boot camp designed exclusively for 5th & 6th graders!

But don’t be fooled! There’s no “fluff” or generic stuff here. While the content is age-appropriate, this boot camp is led by a national college admissions expert who has coached thousands of students who earn admission to our nation’s top universities. Quetzal Mama knows what it takes to guide students early in their academic careers and has designed custom curriculum tailored to young learning abilities.

What Will They Learn?

Students will learn about college while engaging in creative and fun team activities such as playing College Loteria, a mock Cooking Show, going on a Scavenger Hunt, and solving a Financial Aid Puzzle.

Young learners will get an overview of college tiers, college strategies to employ as 5th & 6th graders, and skills to help them navigate this complex process.

Students will develop college fluency (college terms and concepts), know where to find information about college in their local district, and how to implement early strategies. The camp will culminate in a college version of Family Feud and teams will compete for the big title.

Lots of physical movement, creative play, and team building exercises while learning how to be college ready.

This Boot Camp builds confidence and helps students feel empowered in their college journey from middle school to high school.

Contact Quetzal Mama today to bring this unique Boot Camp to your District!