Quetzal Mama understands the important role parents play in the college process.
And, she understands how stressful and overwhelming this process can be.
Bonus! She’s a mom who coached her own 3 children
through this complex
process with extraordinary results.
Because she’s been there and done that,
she’s created lots of tools
and resources
to help you sort through this challenging process.
Here's a few resources for parents:
Attend a Quetzal Mama workshop designed for parents
Click here to watch Quetzal Mama Parent Workshops
Learn about tips and resources written specifically for parents in these interesting articles
See a four-year planning guide to help your high school student
Hire Quetzal Mama to coach your student(s) through one-on-one consulting services
Learn about the language of college by reading this handy glossary
Get your copy of books written just for parents in English and Español