4-Year High School Planning Guide


Earn Highest Grades Possible
Take Honors Courses
Take courses aligned with target colleges (A-G)
Follow “Big Four” Strategy (Chapter 9)
Join On-Campus Club(s)
Begin community service (100 hours)
Find a Summer Internship
Draft Resume
Read a TON of Books


Earn Highest Grades Possible
Take Pre-AP, Pre-IB, or Honors course
Enroll in Courses Aligned with Colleges & Major
Prepare/Register for SAT Subject-Matter Tests
Complete 100 hours of Community Service
Strategize Social Media Profile
Update Resume
Find Summer Internship
Read a TON of books


Earn Highest Grades Possible
Take Advanced Placement, IB, or Honors Courses
Apply Summer Internships
Complete 100 Hours Community Service
Continue Building Social Media Profile
Take SAT or ACT Examination (Winter or Spring)
Take SAT Subject-Matter Tests
Take AP and IB Exams (only offered May)
Visit Campuses to Narrow College Shortlist
Take Community College or University Course(s)
Update Resume
Read a TON of books.

*Qualify for the National Hispanic Scholar and/or National Merit Scholarship


Earn Highest Grades Possible
Apply to “Fly-In” Programs
Finalize College Shortlist (Use 80-10-10 Rule)
Obtain Letters of Recommendation
Write Personal Statement & Supplemental Essays
Take SAT or ACT Examination
Register for Common Application/UC/CSU
Register for Universities with Proprietary Application
Send Official Test Scores to Selected Colleges
Final Clean Up of Social Media
Finalize Resume
Apply to Scholarships

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