College Admission Expertise by Quetzal Mama

Help Your Student "Stack the Deck"

Quetzalmama scholars holding prospective school banners

“Getting good grades is not enough. Solid ACT/SAT scores are not enough. Leadership skills are not enough. It’s a myth that “Hispanic” students have a lowered admission standard. The fact is that in 2025, the kids who get accepted to top universities are those who “nail” every component of the college admission process. I call this, “Stacking the Deck.”

— Quetzal Mama

Quetzalmama scholar on grass next to all their accepted school's banners.

Why Hire an Expert?

Getting into your top college is not by chance, luck, or faith.

Don’t leave your child’s future in the hands of anyone but an expert.

Learn how Quetzal Mama’s proven strategies and methods have yielded incomparable admission results year after year.

College admissions is our business: 24/7, year-round. We focus exclusively on customized strategies aligned with each student’s unique academic and demographic profile.

Hire Quetzal Mama
to Coach your Student

à la carte packages or bundled services

College Application
Personal Statement (our speciality!)
Supplemental Essays
Curriculum Review
Extracurricular Activities
College Interview
Internships, Fellowships, or Leadership Programs
Letters of Recommendation
College Entrance Exams Strategy
Transfer Students
Waitlist Letter
Extenuating Circumstances Essay
Revocation of Admission Offer

Quetzal Mama clients have earned admission
to every Ivy League campus, the top 25
most highly selective private campuses,
and the top 3 most selective
University of California campuses.

Success Metrics

Since 2010, 100% of the students coached by Quetzal Mama have earned admission to their top 3 college campuses.

Quetzal Mama has successfully coached students with a broad range of majors. Her specialty is Pre-Med and Engineering.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation by Phone
[email protected]