Fund Your College Education!

Quetzal Mama understands it’s not just about getting into college,
but also paying for college.
For this reason, we have tools, tips, strategies,
and resources for you – all on this page.

Organization is key. Figure out a way to keep track of scholarship deadlines, and required documents. Click this link to get the free Quetzal Mama Scholarship Tracker!
Click this link to get Quetzal Mama's helpful Scholarship Checklist -- a great tool to keep you on track!
The scholarship “window” is typically between January 1 and April 1. Use Winter & Spring breaks to complete applications, write essays, and work with your recommenders (for letters of rec).
Start local, go national. Start with the local (city/town) organizations, then expand to regional, then national scholarships.
There are many clearinghouses that list many scholarships. Start with the clearinghouses, then do Google searches to key in on your personal interests and academic profile. Click here for Quetzal Mama’s favorite scholarship clearinghouses.
Community service is nearly always a critical component in most scholarships. Plan ahead to complete as many community service hours as possible. Click here for Quetzal Mama's tips on how Community Service is linked to winning scholarships.

Don't Miss the Most Popular Scholarship tips from the QM Blog!

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